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Subset: TypeRegistrySubset

Classes that are to be implemented as infoTypes in the type registry

URI: TypeRegistrySubset

Identifier and Mapping Information

Schema Source

  • from schema:

Classes in subset

Class Description
WorkVariant FIAF Moving Image Cataloguing Manual 1.0
Manifestation Manifestation as defined in FIAF Moving Image Cataloguing Manual 2.0. Note that manifestation type is recorded as publication event type
Item FIAF Moving Image Cataloguing Manual 3.0
Title FIAF Moving Image Cataloguing Manual 1.3.2, 2.3.2, 3.1.2
GeographicName Name of country, region or other location.
ProductionEvent Production event of a work/variant (or manifestation produced as a restoration).
PreservationEvent Preservation event originating a manifestation or possibly a vaniant.
PublicationEvent Publication event of a manifestation or possibly the first known publication of a work.
ManufactureEvent Manufacture event of a manifestation.
RightsCopyrightRegistrationEvent Copyright and related rights registration event of a manifestation or possibly of a work/variant.
AnimationActivity Activity types / roles.
CastActivity Activity types / roles.
CensorshipActivity Activity types / roles.
CinematographyActivity Activity types / roles.
CopyrightAndDistributionActivity Activity types / roles.
DirectingActivity Activity types / roles.
EditingActivity Activity types / roles.
LaboratoryActivity Activity types / roles.
MusicActivity Activity types / roles.
ProducingActivity Activity types / roles.
ProductionDesignActivity Activity types / roles.
PuppetActivity Activity types / roles.
SoundActivity Activity types / roles.
SpecialEffectsActivity Activity types / roles.
WritingActivity Activity types / roles.
ManifestationActivity Activity types / roles.
Activity FIAF Moving Image Cataloguing Manual
Agent Agent involved in some activity related to the moving image resource.
Language Provide language code from ISO 639-2 (Part 2: Alpha-3) and a list of language usage terms from our controlled vocabulary.
Subject Subject descriptor terms for the content of a film specifying its period, themes, locations, etc. Not to be confused with Genre.
Genre Genre describes categories of Works, characterized by similar plots, themes, settings, situations, and characters.
Audio FIAF Moving Image Cataloguing Manual D.7.2
DigitalFile FIAF Moving Image Cataloguing Manual D.7.2
DigitalFileEncoding FIAF Moving Image Cataloguing Manual D.7.2
Film FIAF Moving Image Cataloguing Manual D.7.2
Optical FIAF Moving Image Cataloguing Manual D.7.2
Video FIAF Moving Image Cataloguing Manual D.7.2
Duration Total running time of the described object in ISO 8601 duration format.
Extent Physical length or size of the described object.
AVefiResource Handle with the prefix allocated for AVefi (eventually).
DOIResource Digital Object Identifier maintained by the DOI Foundation and commonly used for scientific publications including films.
EIDRResource Entertainment Identifier Registry ID.
FilmportalResource Identifier of the German
GNDResource Gemeinsame Normdatei (GND) identifier maintained by Deutsche Nationalbibliothek (German National Library)
ISILResource International Standard Identifier for Libraries and Related Organizations including (film) archives.
TGNResource Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names ID.
VIAFResource Virtual International Authority File identifier hosted by OCLC.
WikidataResource Identifier for Wikidata entities.
MovingImageRecordContainer A holder for MovingImageRecord objects
DescriptionResource Metadata about the PID rather than the identified object, i.e. who modified the PID metadata record when, making what changes

Slots from WorkVariant also in TypeRegistrySubset

Name Cardinality and Range Description
category 1
Designates type, e.g. to distinguish different identifiers (GNDResource vs.
has_primary_title 1
Primary title to be displayed in search results etc. The type should be PreferredTitle for works / variants and TitleProper for manifestations / items.
has_alternative_title *
Additional title(s) associated with the work / variant, manifestation, or item.
same_as *
See AuthorityResource doucmentation for accepted identifiers
type 1
See specific class documentation for controlled vocabulary applicable to the type slot, respectively
has_event *
Associate event(s) with a moving image record
in_language *
FIAF Moving Image Cataloguing Manual 1.3.5, 2.3.3
has_form *
Form describes the format and/or purpose of a Work, e.g., “non-fiction”, “short” and “animation”.
has_subject *
Subject descriptor terms for the content of a film specifying its period, themes, locations, etc. Not to be confused with Genre.
has_genre *
Genre describes categories of Works, characterized by similar plots, themes, settings, situations, and characters.
is_part_of *
Relate, for instance, episodes to a series / serial.
is_variant_of 0..1
Link to the reference WorkVariant for the currently described variant.
variant_type 0..1
FIAF Moving Image Cataloguing Manual D.2
described_by 0..1
Also record some metadata about the PID itself rather than the identified object

Slots from Manifestation also in TypeRegistrySubset

Name Cardinality and Range Description
category 1
Designates type, e.g. to distinguish different identifiers (GNDResource vs.
has_primary_title 1
Primary title to be displayed in search results etc. The type should be PreferredTitle for works / variants and TitleProper for manifestations / items.
has_alternative_title *
Additional title(s) associated with the work / variant, manifestation, or item.
same_as *
Link to AVefi resource registered by another data provider indicating that the two manifestations are known to be the same.
has_event *
Associate event(s) with a moving image record
in_language *
FIAF Moving Image Cataloguing Manual 1.3.5, 2.3.3
is_manifestation_of 1..*
Indicate AVefi WorkVariant (possibly more but no less than one) that is subject of the manifestation
has_item *
Indicate AVefi Items the institution has registered as part of the manifestation
has_format *
FIAF Moving Image Cataloguing Manual,
has_duration 0..1
Total running time of the described object in ISO 8601 duration format.
has_extent 0..1
Physical length or size of the described object.
has_colour_type 0..1
FIAF Moving Image Cataloguing Manual,, D.7.11
has_sound_type 0..1
FIAF Moving Image Cataloguing Manual,, D.7.4
has_webresource *
Link to data provider's own presentation of manifestation or item on the web
has_note *
FIAF Moving Image Cataloguing Manual Appendix B
described_by 0..1
Also record some metadata about the PID itself rather than the identified object

Slots from Item also in TypeRegistrySubset

Name Cardinality and Range Description
category 1
Designates type, e.g. to distinguish different identifiers (GNDResource vs.
has_primary_title 1
Primary title to be displayed in search results etc. The type should be PreferredTitle for works / variants and TitleProper for manifestations / items.
has_alternative_title *
Additional title(s) associated with the work / variant, manifestation, or item.
has_event *
Associate event(s) with a moving image record
in_language *
FIAF Moving Image Cataloguing Manual 1.3.5, 2.3.3
has_format *
FIAF Moving Image Cataloguing Manual,
has_duration 0..1
Total running time of the described object in ISO 8601 duration format.
has_extent 0..1
Physical length or size of the described object.
has_webresource *
Link to data provider's own presentation of manifestation or item on the web
has_note *
FIAF Moving Image Cataloguing Manual Appendix B
is_item_of 1
Indicate AVefi Manifestation the item belongs to.
element_type 0..1
FIAF Moving Image Cataloguing Manual D.7.8
has_access_status 0..1
Status of item determining access conditions.
is_copy_of *
Link to AVefi item registered by another institution indicating that the two are known to be copies of each other
is_derivative_of *
Link to AVefi item from which this one has been derived in whole or in part, e.g. as a result of a restoration or digitasation project
described_by 0..1
Also record some metadata about the PID itself rather than the identified object

Slots from Title also in TypeRegistrySubset

Name Cardinality and Range Description
has_name 1
Human-readable name for a thing.
has_ordering_name 0..1
Provide normalised form, e.g. for sorting by title.
type 1
FIAF Moving Image Cataloguing Manual A.2

Slots from GeographicName also in TypeRegistrySubset

Name Cardinality and Range Description
category 1
Designates type, e.g. to distinguish different identifiers (GNDResource vs.
has_name 1
Human-readable name for a thing.
same_as *
See AuthorityResource doucmentation for accepted identifiers
has_alternate_name *
Alternative human-readable name(s) for a thing.

Slots from ProductionEvent also in TypeRegistrySubset

Name Cardinality and Range Description
category 1
Designates type, e.g. to distinguish different identifiers (GNDResource vs.
type 0..1
See specific class documentation for controlled vocabulary applicable to the type slot, respectively
has_date 0..1
Date (or interval/period) when an event has taken place.
located_in *
Location associated with an event, e.g. the country where the principal offices or production facilities of the production company are located should be associated with the production event
has_activity *
Associate activity (and subsequently agents) with event

Slots from PreservationEvent also in TypeRegistrySubset

Name Cardinality and Range Description
category 1
Designates type, e.g. to distinguish different identifiers (GNDResource vs.
type 1
See specific class documentation for controlled vocabulary applicable to the type slot, respectively
has_date 0..1
Date (or interval/period) when an event has taken place.
located_in *
Location associated with an event, e.g. the country where the principal offices or production facilities of the production company are located should be associated with the production event
has_activity 1..*
Associate activity (and subsequently agents) with event

Slots from PublicationEvent also in TypeRegistrySubset

Name Cardinality and Range Description
category 1
Designates type, e.g. to distinguish different identifiers (GNDResource vs.
type 1
See specific class documentation for controlled vocabulary applicable to the type slot, respectively
has_date 0..1
Date (or interval/period) when an event has taken place.
located_in *
Location associated with an event, e.g. the country where the principal offices or production facilities of the production company are located should be associated with the production event
has_activity *
Associate activity (and subsequently agents) with event

Slots from ManufactureEvent also in TypeRegistrySubset

Name Cardinality and Range Description
category 1
Designates type, e.g. to distinguish different identifiers (GNDResource vs.
type 0..1
See specific class documentation for controlled vocabulary applicable to the type slot, respectively
has_date 0..1
Date (or interval/period) when an event has taken place.
located_in *
Location associated with an event, e.g. the country where the principal offices or production facilities of the production company are located should be associated with the production event
has_activity *
Associate activity (and subsequently agents) with event

Slots from RightsCopyrightRegistrationEvent also in TypeRegistrySubset

Name Cardinality and Range Description
category 1
Designates type, e.g. to distinguish different identifiers (GNDResource vs.
has_date 0..1
Date (or interval/period) when an event has taken place.
located_in *
Location associated with an event, e.g. the country where the principal offices or production facilities of the production company are located should be associated with the production event
has_activity 1..*
Associate activity (and subsequently agents) with event

Slots from AnimationActivity also in TypeRegistrySubset

Name Cardinality and Range Description
category 1
Designates type, e.g. to distinguish different identifiers (GNDResource vs.
type 1
See specific class documentation for controlled vocabulary applicable to the type slot, respectively
has_agent 1..*
Agent involved in some activity related to the moving image resource

Slots from CastActivity also in TypeRegistrySubset

Name Cardinality and Range Description
category 1
Designates type, e.g. to distinguish different identifiers (GNDResource vs.
type 1
See specific class documentation for controlled vocabulary applicable to the type slot, respectively
has_agent 1..*
Agent involved in some activity related to the moving image resource

Slots from CensorshipActivity also in TypeRegistrySubset

Name Cardinality and Range Description
category 1
Designates type, e.g. to distinguish different identifiers (GNDResource vs.
type 1
See specific class documentation for controlled vocabulary applicable to the type slot, respectively
has_agent 1..*
Agent involved in some activity related to the moving image resource

Slots from CinematographyActivity also in TypeRegistrySubset

Name Cardinality and Range Description
category 1
Designates type, e.g. to distinguish different identifiers (GNDResource vs.
type 1
See specific class documentation for controlled vocabulary applicable to the type slot, respectively
has_agent 1..*
Agent involved in some activity related to the moving image resource

Slots from CopyrightAndDistributionActivity also in TypeRegistrySubset

Name Cardinality and Range Description
category 1
Designates type, e.g. to distinguish different identifiers (GNDResource vs.
type 1
See specific class documentation for controlled vocabulary applicable to the type slot, respectively
has_agent 1..*
Agent involved in some activity related to the moving image resource

Slots from DirectingActivity also in TypeRegistrySubset

Name Cardinality and Range Description
category 1
Designates type, e.g. to distinguish different identifiers (GNDResource vs.
type 1
See specific class documentation for controlled vocabulary applicable to the type slot, respectively
has_agent 1..*
Agent involved in some activity related to the moving image resource

Slots from EditingActivity also in TypeRegistrySubset

Name Cardinality and Range Description
category 1
Designates type, e.g. to distinguish different identifiers (GNDResource vs.
type 1
See specific class documentation for controlled vocabulary applicable to the type slot, respectively
has_agent 1..*
Agent involved in some activity related to the moving image resource

Slots from LaboratoryActivity also in TypeRegistrySubset

Name Cardinality and Range Description
category 1
Designates type, e.g. to distinguish different identifiers (GNDResource vs.
type 1
See specific class documentation for controlled vocabulary applicable to the type slot, respectively
has_agent 1..*
Agent involved in some activity related to the moving image resource

Slots from MusicActivity also in TypeRegistrySubset

Name Cardinality and Range Description
category 1
Designates type, e.g. to distinguish different identifiers (GNDResource vs.
type 1
See specific class documentation for controlled vocabulary applicable to the type slot, respectively
has_agent 1..*
Agent involved in some activity related to the moving image resource

Slots from ProducingActivity also in TypeRegistrySubset

Name Cardinality and Range Description
category 1
Designates type, e.g. to distinguish different identifiers (GNDResource vs.
type 1
See specific class documentation for controlled vocabulary applicable to the type slot, respectively
has_agent 1..*
Agent involved in some activity related to the moving image resource

Slots from ProductionDesignActivity also in TypeRegistrySubset

Name Cardinality and Range Description
category 1
Designates type, e.g. to distinguish different identifiers (GNDResource vs.
type 1
See specific class documentation for controlled vocabulary applicable to the type slot, respectively
has_agent 1..*
Agent involved in some activity related to the moving image resource

Slots from PuppetActivity also in TypeRegistrySubset

Name Cardinality and Range Description
category 1
Designates type, e.g. to distinguish different identifiers (GNDResource vs.
type 1
See specific class documentation for controlled vocabulary applicable to the type slot, respectively
has_agent 1..*
Agent involved in some activity related to the moving image resource

Slots from SoundActivity also in TypeRegistrySubset

Name Cardinality and Range Description
category 1
Designates type, e.g. to distinguish different identifiers (GNDResource vs.
type 1
See specific class documentation for controlled vocabulary applicable to the type slot, respectively
has_agent 1..*
Agent involved in some activity related to the moving image resource

Slots from SpecialEffectsActivity also in TypeRegistrySubset

Name Cardinality and Range Description
category 1
Designates type, e.g. to distinguish different identifiers (GNDResource vs.
type 1
See specific class documentation for controlled vocabulary applicable to the type slot, respectively
has_agent 1..*
Agent involved in some activity related to the moving image resource

Slots from WritingActivity also in TypeRegistrySubset

Name Cardinality and Range Description
category 1
Designates type, e.g. to distinguish different identifiers (GNDResource vs.
type 1
See specific class documentation for controlled vocabulary applicable to the type slot, respectively
has_agent 1..*
Agent involved in some activity related to the moving image resource

Slots from ManifestationActivity also in TypeRegistrySubset

Name Cardinality and Range Description
category 1
Designates type, e.g. to distinguish different identifiers (GNDResource vs.
type 1
See specific class documentation for controlled vocabulary applicable to the type slot, respectively
has_agent 1..*
Agent involved in some activity related to the moving image resource

Slots from Activity also in TypeRegistrySubset

Name Cardinality and Range Description
category 1
Designates type, e.g. to distinguish different identifiers (GNDResource vs.
type 1
See specific class documentation for controlled vocabulary applicable to the type slot, respectively
has_agent 1..*
Agent involved in some activity related to the moving image resource

Slots from Agent also in TypeRegistrySubset

Name Cardinality and Range Description
category 1
Designates type, e.g. to distinguish different identifiers (GNDResource vs.
has_name 1
For natural persons, always use the convention "family name, given name"
same_as *
See AuthorityResource doucmentation for accepted identifiers
type 1
See specific class documentation for controlled vocabulary applicable to the type slot, respectively
has_alternate_name *
Alternative human-readable name(s) for a thing.

Slots from Language also in TypeRegistrySubset

Name Cardinality and Range Description
code 0..1
ISO 639-2 code for the Representation of Names of Languages (Part 2: Alpha-3)
usage 1..*
FIAF Moving Image Cataloguing Manual

Slots from Subject also in TypeRegistrySubset

Name Cardinality and Range Description
category 1
Designates type, e.g. to distinguish different identifiers (GNDResource vs.
has_name 1
Human-readable name for a thing.
same_as *
See AuthorityResource doucmentation for accepted identifiers
has_alternate_name *
Alternative human-readable name(s) for a thing.

Slots from Genre also in TypeRegistrySubset

Name Cardinality and Range Description
has_name 1
Human-readable name for a thing.
same_as *
See AuthorityResource doucmentation for accepted identifiers
has_alternate_name *
Alternative human-readable name(s) for a thing.

Slots from Audio also in TypeRegistrySubset

Name Cardinality and Range Description
category 1
Designates type, e.g. to distinguish different identifiers (GNDResource vs.
type 0..1
See specific class documentation for controlled vocabulary applicable to the type slot, respectively

Slots from DigitalFile also in TypeRegistrySubset

Name Cardinality and Range Description
category 1
Designates type, e.g. to distinguish different identifiers (GNDResource vs.
type 0..1
See specific class documentation for controlled vocabulary applicable to the type slot, respectively

Slots from DigitalFileEncoding also in TypeRegistrySubset

Name Cardinality and Range Description
category 1
Designates type, e.g. to distinguish different identifiers (GNDResource vs.
type 0..1
See specific class documentation for controlled vocabulary applicable to the type slot, respectively

Slots from Film also in TypeRegistrySubset

Name Cardinality and Range Description
category 1
Designates type, e.g. to distinguish different identifiers (GNDResource vs.
type 0..1
See specific class documentation for controlled vocabulary applicable to the type slot, respectively

Slots from Optical also in TypeRegistrySubset

Name Cardinality and Range Description
category 1
Designates type, e.g. to distinguish different identifiers (GNDResource vs.
type 0..1
See specific class documentation for controlled vocabulary applicable to the type slot, respectively

Slots from Video also in TypeRegistrySubset

Name Cardinality and Range Description
category 1
Designates type, e.g. to distinguish different identifiers (GNDResource vs.
type 0..1
See specific class documentation for controlled vocabulary applicable to the type slot, respectively

Slots from Duration also in TypeRegistrySubset

Name Cardinality and Range Description
has_value 1
Value of some quantity
has_precision 0..1
Qualifier indicating the precision of an extent value or duration

Slots from Extent also in TypeRegistrySubset

Name Cardinality and Range Description
has_value 1
Value of some quantity
has_unit 1
Unit of some quantity
has_precision 0..1
Qualifier indicating the precision of an extent value or duration

Slots from AVefiResource also in TypeRegistrySubset

Name Cardinality and Range Description
category 1
Designates type, e.g. to distinguish different identifiers (GNDResource vs.
id 1
A unique identifier for a thing

Slots from DOIResource also in TypeRegistrySubset

Name Cardinality and Range Description
category 1
Designates type, e.g. to distinguish different identifiers (GNDResource vs.
id 1
A unique identifier for a thing

Slots from EIDRResource also in TypeRegistrySubset

Name Cardinality and Range Description
category 1
Designates type, e.g. to distinguish different identifiers (GNDResource vs.
id 1
A unique identifier for a thing

Slots from FilmportalResource also in TypeRegistrySubset

Name Cardinality and Range Description
category 1
Designates type, e.g. to distinguish different identifiers (GNDResource vs.
id 1
A unique identifier for a thing

Slots from GNDResource also in TypeRegistrySubset

Name Cardinality and Range Description
category 1
Designates type, e.g. to distinguish different identifiers (GNDResource vs.
id 1
A unique identifier for a thing

Slots from ISILResource also in TypeRegistrySubset

Name Cardinality and Range Description
category 1
Designates type, e.g. to distinguish different identifiers (GNDResource vs.
id 1
A unique identifier for a thing

Slots from TGNResource also in TypeRegistrySubset

Name Cardinality and Range Description
category 1
Designates type, e.g. to distinguish different identifiers (GNDResource vs.
id 1
A unique identifier for a thing

Slots from VIAFResource also in TypeRegistrySubset

Name Cardinality and Range Description
category 1
Designates type, e.g. to distinguish different identifiers (GNDResource vs.
id 1
A unique identifier for a thing

Slots from WikidataResource also in TypeRegistrySubset

Name Cardinality and Range Description
category 1
Designates type, e.g. to distinguish different identifiers (GNDResource vs.
id 1
A unique identifier for a thing

Slots from MovingImageRecordContainer also in TypeRegistrySubset

Name Cardinality and Range Description
has_record 1
Root slot holding the moving image metadata record, i.e. metadata describing a work/variant, manifestation or item.

Slots from DescriptionResource also in TypeRegistrySubset

Name Cardinality and Range Description
has_issuer_id 1
Identifier for the responsible party as an URI suitable for linked data
has_issuer_name 1
Name of the responsible party

Slots in subset

Slot Description
has_record Root slot holding the moving image metadata record, i.e. metadata describing a work/variant, manifestation or item.
category Designates type, e.g. to distinguish different identifiers (GNDResource vs.
has_primary_title Primary title to be displayed in search results etc. The type should be PreferredTitle for works / variants and TitleProper for manifestations / items.
has_alternative_title Additional title(s) associated with the work / variant, manifestation, or item.
has_name Human-readable name for a thing.
has_ordering_name Provide normalised form, e.g. for sorting by title.
id A unique identifier for a thing
type See specific class documentation for controlled vocabulary applicable to the type slot, respectively
same_as See AuthorityResource doucmentation for accepted identifiers
has_event Associate event(s) with a moving image record
has_date Date (or interval/period) when an event has taken place.
located_in Location associated with an event, e.g. the country where the principal offices or production facilities of the production company are located should be associated with the production event
has_activity Associate activity (and subsequently agents) with event
has_agent Agent involved in some activity related to the moving image resource
has_alternate_name Alternative human-readable name(s) for a thing.
in_language FIAF Moving Image Cataloguing Manual 1.3.5, 2.3.3
code ISO 639-2 code for the Representation of Names of Languages (Part 2: Alpha-3)
usage FIAF Moving Image Cataloguing Manual
has_form Form describes the format and/or purpose of a Work, e.g., “non-fiction”, “short” and “animation”.
has_subject Subject descriptor terms for the content of a film specifying its period, themes, locations, etc. Not to be confused with Genre.
has_genre Genre describes categories of Works, characterized by similar plots, themes, settings, situations, and characters.
is_part_of Relate, for instance, episodes to a series / serial.
is_variant_of Link to the reference WorkVariant for the currently described variant.
variant_type FIAF Moving Image Cataloguing Manual D.2
is_manifestation_of Indicate AVefi WorkVariant (possibly more but no less than one) that is subject of the manifestation
has_item Indicate AVefi Items the institution has registered as part of the manifestation
has_format FIAF Moving Image Cataloguing Manual,
has_duration Total running time of the described object in ISO 8601 duration format.
has_extent Physical length or size of the described object.
has_value Value of some quantity
has_unit Unit of some quantity
has_precision Qualifier indicating the precision of an extent value or duration
has_colour_type FIAF Moving Image Cataloguing Manual,, D.7.11
has_sound_type FIAF Moving Image Cataloguing Manual,, D.7.4
has_webresource Link to data provider's own presentation of manifestation or item on the web
has_note FIAF Moving Image Cataloguing Manual Appendix B
is_item_of Indicate AVefi Manifestation the item belongs to.
element_type FIAF Moving Image Cataloguing Manual D.7.8
has_access_status Status of item determining access conditions.
is_copy_of Link to AVefi item registered by another institution indicating that the two are known to be copies of each other
is_derivative_of Link to AVefi item from which this one has been derived in whole or in part, e.g. as a result of a restoration or digitasation project
described_by Also record some metadata about the PID itself rather than the identified object
has_issuer_id Identifier for the responsible party as an URI suitable for linked data
has_issuer_name Name of the responsible party

Enumerations in subset

Enumeration Description

| AgentTypeEnum | FIAF Moving Image Cataloguing Manual 1.4.1 |

| AnimationActivityTypeEnum | Activity types / roles. |

| CastActivityTypeEnum | Activity types / roles. |

| CensorshipActivityTypeEnum | Activity types / roles. |

| CinematographyActivityTypeEnum | Activity types / roles. |

| ColourTypeEnum | FIAF Moving Image Cataloguing Manual,, D.7.11 |

| CopyrightAndDistributionActivityTypeEnum | Activity types / roles. |

| DirectingActivityTypeEnum | Activity types / roles. |

| EditingActivityTypeEnum | Activity types / roles. |

| FormatAudioTypeEnum | FIAF Moving Image Cataloguing Manual D.7.2 |

| FormatDigitalFileEncodingTypeEnum | FIAF Moving Image Cataloguing Manual D.7.2 |

| FormatDigitalFileTypeEnum | FIAF Moving Image Cataloguing Manual D.7.2 |

| FormatFilmTypeEnum | FIAF Moving Image Cataloguing Manual D.7.2 |

| FormatOpticalTypeEnum | FIAF Moving Image Cataloguing Manual D.7.2 |

| FormatVideoTypeEnum | FIAF Moving Image Cataloguing Manual D.7.2 |

| ItemAccessStatusEnum | FIAF Moving Image Cataloguing Manual D.7.3 |

| ItemElementTypeEnum | FIAF Moving Image Cataloguing Manual D.7.8 |

| LaboratoryActivityTypeEnum | Activity types / roles. |

| LanguageCodeEnum | ISO 639-2 code for the Representation of Names of Languages (Part 2: Alpha-3) |

| LanguageUsageEnum | FIAF Moving Image Cataloguing Manual 2.3.3, D.6 |

| ManifestationActivityTypeEnum | Activity types / roles. |

| ManufactureEventTypeEnum | FIAF Moving Image Cataloguing Manual D.4.7, D.14 |

| MusicActivityTypeEnum | Activity types / roles. |

| PrecisionEnum | Qualifier indicating the precision of an extent value or duration |

| PreservationEventTypeEnum | FIAF Moving Image Cataloguing Manual D.4.5 |

| ProducingActivityTypeEnum | Activity types / roles. |

| ProductionDesignActivityTypeEnum | Activity types / roles. |

| ProductionEventTypeEnum | Leave unset for main production event, otherwise see FIAF Moving Image Cataloguing Manual D.4.3, D.11 |

| PublicationEventTypeEnum | FIAF Moving Image Cataloguing Manual D.4.1, D.10 |

| PuppetActivityTypeEnum | Activity types / roles. |

| SoundActivityTypeEnum | Activity types / roles. |

| SoundTypeEnum | FIAF Moving Image Cataloguing Manual,, D.7.4 |

| SpecialEffectsActivityTypeEnum | Activity types / roles. |

| TitleTypeEnum | FIAF Moving Image Cataloguing Manual A.2 |

| UnitEnum | Units of measurement. |

| VariantTypeEnum | FIAF Moving Image Cataloguing Manual D.2 |

| WorkFormEnum | FIAF Glossary of Filmographic Terms D.1.9 |

| WorkVariantTypeEnum | Work/Variant description type. |

| WritingActivityTypeEnum | Activity types / roles. |