Subset: TypeRegistrySubset
Classes that are to be implemented as infoTypes in the type registry
URI: TypeRegistrySubset
Identifier and Mapping Information
Schema Source
- from schema:
Classes in subset
Class | Description |
WorkVariant | FIAF Moving Image Cataloguing Manual 1.0 |
Manifestation | Manifestation as defined in FIAF Moving Image Cataloguing Manual 2.0. Note that manifestation type is recorded as publication event type |
Item | FIAF Moving Image Cataloguing Manual 3.0 |
Title | FIAF Moving Image Cataloguing Manual 1.3.2, 2.3.2, 3.1.2 |
GeographicName | Name of country, region or other location. |
ProductionEvent | Production event of a work/variant (or manifestation produced as a restoration). |
PreservationEvent | Preservation event originating a manifestation or possibly a vaniant. |
PublicationEvent | Publication event of a manifestation or possibly the first known publication of a work. |
ManufactureEvent | Manufacture event of a manifestation. |
RightsCopyrightRegistrationEvent | Copyright and related rights registration event of a manifestation or possibly of a work/variant. |
AnimationActivity | Activity types / roles. |
CastActivity | Activity types / roles. |
CensorshipActivity | Activity types / roles. |
CinematographyActivity | Activity types / roles. |
CopyrightAndDistributionActivity | Activity types / roles. |
DirectingActivity | Activity types / roles. |
EditingActivity | Activity types / roles. |
LaboratoryActivity | Activity types / roles. |
MusicActivity | Activity types / roles. |
ProducingActivity | Activity types / roles. |
ProductionDesignActivity | Activity types / roles. |
PuppetActivity | Activity types / roles. |
SoundActivity | Activity types / roles. |
SpecialEffectsActivity | Activity types / roles. |
WritingActivity | Activity types / roles. |
ManifestationActivity | Activity types / roles. |
Activity | FIAF Moving Image Cataloguing Manual |
Agent | Agent involved in some activity related to the moving image resource. |
Language | Provide language code from ISO 639-2 (Part 2: Alpha-3) and a list of language usage terms from our controlled vocabulary. |
Subject | Subject descriptor terms for the content of a film specifying its period, themes, locations, etc. Not to be confused with Genre. |
Genre | Genre describes categories of Works, characterized by similar plots, themes, settings, situations, and characters. |
Audio | FIAF Moving Image Cataloguing Manual D.7.2 |
DigitalFile | FIAF Moving Image Cataloguing Manual D.7.2 |
DigitalFileEncoding | FIAF Moving Image Cataloguing Manual D.7.2 |
Film | FIAF Moving Image Cataloguing Manual D.7.2 |
Optical | FIAF Moving Image Cataloguing Manual D.7.2 |
Video | FIAF Moving Image Cataloguing Manual D.7.2 |
Duration | Total running time of the described object in ISO 8601 duration format. |
Extent | Physical length or size of the described object. |
AVefiResource | Handle with the prefix allocated for AVefi (eventually). |
DOIResource | Digital Object Identifier maintained by the DOI Foundation and commonly used for scientific publications including films. |
EIDRResource | Entertainment Identifier Registry ID. |
FilmportalResource | Identifier of the German |
GNDResource | Gemeinsame Normdatei (GND) identifier maintained by Deutsche Nationalbibliothek (German National Library) |
ISILResource | International Standard Identifier for Libraries and Related Organizations including (film) archives. |
TGNResource | Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names ID. |
VIAFResource | Virtual International Authority File identifier hosted by OCLC. |
WikidataResource | Identifier for Wikidata entities. |
MovingImageRecordContainer | A holder for MovingImageRecord objects |
DescriptionResource | Metadata about the PID rather than the identified object, i.e. who modified the PID metadata record when, making what changes |
Slots from WorkVariant also in TypeRegistrySubset
Name | Cardinality and Range | Description |
category | 1 AVefiCurie |
Designates type, e.g. to distinguish different identifiers (GNDResource vs. |
has_primary_title | 1 Title |
Primary title to be displayed in search results etc. The type should be PreferredTitle for works / variants and TitleProper for manifestations / items. |
has_alternative_title | * Title |
Additional title(s) associated with the work / variant, manifestation, or item. |
same_as | * AuthorityResource |
See AuthorityResource doucmentation for accepted identifiers |
type | 1 WorkVariantTypeEnum |
See specific class documentation for controlled vocabulary applicable to the type slot, respectively |
has_event | * Event |
Associate event(s) with a moving image record |
in_language | * Language |
FIAF Moving Image Cataloguing Manual 1.3.5, 2.3.3 |
has_form | * WorkFormEnum |
Form describes the format and/or purpose of a Work, e.g., “non-fiction”, “short” and “animation”. |
has_subject | * CategorizedThing |
Subject descriptor terms for the content of a film specifying its period, themes, locations, etc. Not to be confused with Genre. |
has_genre | * Genre |
Genre describes categories of Works, characterized by similar plots, themes, settings, situations, and characters. |
is_part_of | * MovingImageResource |
Relate, for instance, episodes to a series / serial. |
is_variant_of | 0..1 MovingImageResource |
Link to the reference WorkVariant for the currently described variant. |
variant_type | 0..1 VariantTypeEnum |
FIAF Moving Image Cataloguing Manual D.2 |
described_by | 0..1 DescriptionResource |
Also record some metadata about the PID itself rather than the identified object |
Slots from Manifestation also in TypeRegistrySubset
Name | Cardinality and Range | Description |
category | 1 AVefiCurie |
Designates type, e.g. to distinguish different identifiers (GNDResource vs. |
has_primary_title | 1 Title |
Primary title to be displayed in search results etc. The type should be PreferredTitle for works / variants and TitleProper for manifestations / items. |
has_alternative_title | * Title |
Additional title(s) associated with the work / variant, manifestation, or item. |
same_as | * AuthorityResource |
Link to AVefi resource registered by another data provider indicating that the two manifestations are known to be the same. |
has_event | * Event |
Associate event(s) with a moving image record |
in_language | * Language |
FIAF Moving Image Cataloguing Manual 1.3.5, 2.3.3 |
is_manifestation_of | 1..* MovingImageResource |
Indicate AVefi WorkVariant (possibly more but no less than one) that is subject of the manifestation |
has_item | * MovingImageResource |
Indicate AVefi Items the institution has registered as part of the manifestation |
has_format | * Format |
FIAF Moving Image Cataloguing Manual, |
has_duration | 0..1 Duration |
Total running time of the described object in ISO 8601 duration format. |
has_extent | 0..1 Extent |
Physical length or size of the described object. |
has_colour_type | 0..1 ColourTypeEnum |
FIAF Moving Image Cataloguing Manual,, D.7.11 |
has_sound_type | 0..1 SoundTypeEnum |
FIAF Moving Image Cataloguing Manual,, D.7.4 |
has_webresource | * HttpUri |
Link to data provider's own presentation of manifestation or item on the web |
has_note | * TextArea |
FIAF Moving Image Cataloguing Manual Appendix B |
described_by | 0..1 DescriptionResource |
Also record some metadata about the PID itself rather than the identified object |
Slots from Item also in TypeRegistrySubset
Name | Cardinality and Range | Description |
category | 1 AVefiCurie |
Designates type, e.g. to distinguish different identifiers (GNDResource vs. |
has_primary_title | 1 Title |
Primary title to be displayed in search results etc. The type should be PreferredTitle for works / variants and TitleProper for manifestations / items. |
has_alternative_title | * Title |
Additional title(s) associated with the work / variant, manifestation, or item. |
has_event | * Event |
Associate event(s) with a moving image record |
in_language | * Language |
FIAF Moving Image Cataloguing Manual 1.3.5, 2.3.3 |
has_format | * Format |
FIAF Moving Image Cataloguing Manual, |
has_duration | 0..1 Duration |
Total running time of the described object in ISO 8601 duration format. |
has_extent | 0..1 Extent |
Physical length or size of the described object. |
has_webresource | * HttpUri |
Link to data provider's own presentation of manifestation or item on the web |
has_note | * TextArea |
FIAF Moving Image Cataloguing Manual Appendix B |
is_item_of | 1 MovingImageResource |
Indicate AVefi Manifestation the item belongs to. |
element_type | 0..1 ItemElementTypeEnum |
FIAF Moving Image Cataloguing Manual D.7.8 |
has_access_status | 0..1 ItemAccessStatusEnum |
Status of item determining access conditions. |
is_copy_of | * AuthorityResource |
Link to AVefi item registered by another institution indicating that the two are known to be copies of each other |
is_derivative_of | * MovingImageResource |
Link to AVefi item from which this one has been derived in whole or in part, e.g. as a result of a restoration or digitasation project |
described_by | 0..1 DescriptionResource |
Also record some metadata about the PID itself rather than the identified object |
Slots from Title also in TypeRegistrySubset
Name | Cardinality and Range | Description |
has_name | 1 TextLine |
Human-readable name for a thing. |
has_ordering_name | 0..1 TextLine |
Provide normalised form, e.g. for sorting by title. |
type | 1 TitleTypeEnum |
FIAF Moving Image Cataloguing Manual A.2 |
Slots from GeographicName also in TypeRegistrySubset
Name | Cardinality and Range | Description |
category | 1 AVefiCurie |
Designates type, e.g. to distinguish different identifiers (GNDResource vs. |
has_name | 1 TextLine |
Human-readable name for a thing. |
same_as | * AuthorityResource |
See AuthorityResource doucmentation for accepted identifiers |
has_alternate_name | * TextLine |
Alternative human-readable name(s) for a thing. |
Slots from ProductionEvent also in TypeRegistrySubset
Name | Cardinality and Range | Description |
category | 1 AVefiCurie |
Designates type, e.g. to distinguish different identifiers (GNDResource vs. |
type | 0..1 ProductionEventTypeEnum |
See specific class documentation for controlled vocabulary applicable to the type slot, respectively |
has_date | 0..1 ISODate |
Date (or interval/period) when an event has taken place. |
located_in | * GeographicName |
Location associated with an event, e.g. the country where the principal offices or production facilities of the production company are located should be associated with the production event |
has_activity | * Activity |
Associate activity (and subsequently agents) with event |
Slots from PreservationEvent also in TypeRegistrySubset
Name | Cardinality and Range | Description |
category | 1 AVefiCurie |
Designates type, e.g. to distinguish different identifiers (GNDResource vs. |
type | 1 PreservationEventTypeEnum |
See specific class documentation for controlled vocabulary applicable to the type slot, respectively |
has_date | 0..1 ISODate |
Date (or interval/period) when an event has taken place. |
located_in | * GeographicName |
Location associated with an event, e.g. the country where the principal offices or production facilities of the production company are located should be associated with the production event |
has_activity | 1..* ManifestationActivity |
Associate activity (and subsequently agents) with event |
Slots from PublicationEvent also in TypeRegistrySubset
Name | Cardinality and Range | Description |
category | 1 AVefiCurie |
Designates type, e.g. to distinguish different identifiers (GNDResource vs. |
type | 1 PublicationEventTypeEnum |
See specific class documentation for controlled vocabulary applicable to the type slot, respectively |
has_date | 0..1 ISODate |
Date (or interval/period) when an event has taken place. |
located_in | * GeographicName |
Location associated with an event, e.g. the country where the principal offices or production facilities of the production company are located should be associated with the production event |
has_activity | * ManifestationActivity |
Associate activity (and subsequently agents) with event |
Slots from ManufactureEvent also in TypeRegistrySubset
Name | Cardinality and Range | Description |
category | 1 AVefiCurie |
Designates type, e.g. to distinguish different identifiers (GNDResource vs. |
type | 0..1 ManufactureEventTypeEnum |
See specific class documentation for controlled vocabulary applicable to the type slot, respectively |
has_date | 0..1 ISODate |
Date (or interval/period) when an event has taken place. |
located_in | * GeographicName |
Location associated with an event, e.g. the country where the principal offices or production facilities of the production company are located should be associated with the production event |
has_activity | * LaboratoryActivity |
Associate activity (and subsequently agents) with event |
Slots from RightsCopyrightRegistrationEvent also in TypeRegistrySubset
Name | Cardinality and Range | Description |
category | 1 AVefiCurie |
Designates type, e.g. to distinguish different identifiers (GNDResource vs. |
has_date | 0..1 ISODate |
Date (or interval/period) when an event has taken place. |
located_in | * GeographicName |
Location associated with an event, e.g. the country where the principal offices or production facilities of the production company are located should be associated with the production event |
has_activity | 1..* CopyrightAndDistributionActivity |
Associate activity (and subsequently agents) with event |
Slots from AnimationActivity also in TypeRegistrySubset
Name | Cardinality and Range | Description |
category | 1 AVefiCurie |
Designates type, e.g. to distinguish different identifiers (GNDResource vs. |
type | 1 AnimationActivityTypeEnum |
See specific class documentation for controlled vocabulary applicable to the type slot, respectively |
has_agent | 1..* Agent |
Agent involved in some activity related to the moving image resource |
Slots from CastActivity also in TypeRegistrySubset
Name | Cardinality and Range | Description |
category | 1 AVefiCurie |
Designates type, e.g. to distinguish different identifiers (GNDResource vs. |
type | 1 CastActivityTypeEnum |
See specific class documentation for controlled vocabulary applicable to the type slot, respectively |
has_agent | 1..* Agent |
Agent involved in some activity related to the moving image resource |
Slots from CensorshipActivity also in TypeRegistrySubset
Name | Cardinality and Range | Description |
category | 1 AVefiCurie |
Designates type, e.g. to distinguish different identifiers (GNDResource vs. |
type | 1 CensorshipActivityTypeEnum |
See specific class documentation for controlled vocabulary applicable to the type slot, respectively |
has_agent | 1..* Agent |
Agent involved in some activity related to the moving image resource |
Slots from CinematographyActivity also in TypeRegistrySubset
Name | Cardinality and Range | Description |
category | 1 AVefiCurie |
Designates type, e.g. to distinguish different identifiers (GNDResource vs. |
type | 1 CinematographyActivityTypeEnum |
See specific class documentation for controlled vocabulary applicable to the type slot, respectively |
has_agent | 1..* Agent |
Agent involved in some activity related to the moving image resource |
Slots from CopyrightAndDistributionActivity also in TypeRegistrySubset
Name | Cardinality and Range | Description |
category | 1 AVefiCurie |
Designates type, e.g. to distinguish different identifiers (GNDResource vs. |
type | 1 CopyrightAndDistributionActivityTypeEnum |
See specific class documentation for controlled vocabulary applicable to the type slot, respectively |
has_agent | 1..* Agent |
Agent involved in some activity related to the moving image resource |
Slots from DirectingActivity also in TypeRegistrySubset
Name | Cardinality and Range | Description |
category | 1 AVefiCurie |
Designates type, e.g. to distinguish different identifiers (GNDResource vs. |
type | 1 DirectingActivityTypeEnum |
See specific class documentation for controlled vocabulary applicable to the type slot, respectively |
has_agent | 1..* Agent |
Agent involved in some activity related to the moving image resource |
Slots from EditingActivity also in TypeRegistrySubset
Name | Cardinality and Range | Description |
category | 1 AVefiCurie |
Designates type, e.g. to distinguish different identifiers (GNDResource vs. |
type | 1 EditingActivityTypeEnum |
See specific class documentation for controlled vocabulary applicable to the type slot, respectively |
has_agent | 1..* Agent |
Agent involved in some activity related to the moving image resource |
Slots from LaboratoryActivity also in TypeRegistrySubset
Name | Cardinality and Range | Description |
category | 1 AVefiCurie |
Designates type, e.g. to distinguish different identifiers (GNDResource vs. |
type | 1 LaboratoryActivityTypeEnum |
See specific class documentation for controlled vocabulary applicable to the type slot, respectively |
has_agent | 1..* Agent |
Agent involved in some activity related to the moving image resource |
Slots from MusicActivity also in TypeRegistrySubset
Name | Cardinality and Range | Description |
category | 1 AVefiCurie |
Designates type, e.g. to distinguish different identifiers (GNDResource vs. |
type | 1 MusicActivityTypeEnum |
See specific class documentation for controlled vocabulary applicable to the type slot, respectively |
has_agent | 1..* Agent |
Agent involved in some activity related to the moving image resource |
Slots from ProducingActivity also in TypeRegistrySubset
Name | Cardinality and Range | Description |
category | 1 AVefiCurie |
Designates type, e.g. to distinguish different identifiers (GNDResource vs. |
type | 1 ProducingActivityTypeEnum |
See specific class documentation for controlled vocabulary applicable to the type slot, respectively |
has_agent | 1..* Agent |
Agent involved in some activity related to the moving image resource |
Slots from ProductionDesignActivity also in TypeRegistrySubset
Name | Cardinality and Range | Description |
category | 1 AVefiCurie |
Designates type, e.g. to distinguish different identifiers (GNDResource vs. |
type | 1 ProductionDesignActivityTypeEnum |
See specific class documentation for controlled vocabulary applicable to the type slot, respectively |
has_agent | 1..* Agent |
Agent involved in some activity related to the moving image resource |
Slots from PuppetActivity also in TypeRegistrySubset
Name | Cardinality and Range | Description |
category | 1 AVefiCurie |
Designates type, e.g. to distinguish different identifiers (GNDResource vs. |
type | 1 PuppetActivityTypeEnum |
See specific class documentation for controlled vocabulary applicable to the type slot, respectively |
has_agent | 1..* Agent |
Agent involved in some activity related to the moving image resource |
Slots from SoundActivity also in TypeRegistrySubset
Name | Cardinality and Range | Description |
category | 1 AVefiCurie |
Designates type, e.g. to distinguish different identifiers (GNDResource vs. |
type | 1 SoundActivityTypeEnum |
See specific class documentation for controlled vocabulary applicable to the type slot, respectively |
has_agent | 1..* Agent |
Agent involved in some activity related to the moving image resource |
Slots from SpecialEffectsActivity also in TypeRegistrySubset
Name | Cardinality and Range | Description |
category | 1 AVefiCurie |
Designates type, e.g. to distinguish different identifiers (GNDResource vs. |
type | 1 SpecialEffectsActivityTypeEnum |
See specific class documentation for controlled vocabulary applicable to the type slot, respectively |
has_agent | 1..* Agent |
Agent involved in some activity related to the moving image resource |
Slots from WritingActivity also in TypeRegistrySubset
Name | Cardinality and Range | Description |
category | 1 AVefiCurie |
Designates type, e.g. to distinguish different identifiers (GNDResource vs. |
type | 1 WritingActivityTypeEnum |
See specific class documentation for controlled vocabulary applicable to the type slot, respectively |
has_agent | 1..* Agent |
Agent involved in some activity related to the moving image resource |
Slots from ManifestationActivity also in TypeRegistrySubset
Name | Cardinality and Range | Description |
category | 1 AVefiCurie |
Designates type, e.g. to distinguish different identifiers (GNDResource vs. |
type | 1 ManifestationActivityTypeEnum |
See specific class documentation for controlled vocabulary applicable to the type slot, respectively |
has_agent | 1..* Agent |
Agent involved in some activity related to the moving image resource |
Slots from Activity also in TypeRegistrySubset
Name | Cardinality and Range | Description |
category | 1 AVefiCurie |
Designates type, e.g. to distinguish different identifiers (GNDResource vs. |
type | 1 IDString |
See specific class documentation for controlled vocabulary applicable to the type slot, respectively |
has_agent | 1..* Agent |
Agent involved in some activity related to the moving image resource |
Slots from Agent also in TypeRegistrySubset
Name | Cardinality and Range | Description |
category | 1 AVefiCurie |
Designates type, e.g. to distinguish different identifiers (GNDResource vs. |
has_name | 1 TextLine |
For natural persons, always use the convention "family name, given name" |
same_as | * AuthorityResource |
See AuthorityResource doucmentation for accepted identifiers |
type | 1 AgentTypeEnum |
See specific class documentation for controlled vocabulary applicable to the type slot, respectively |
has_alternate_name | * TextLine |
Alternative human-readable name(s) for a thing. |
Slots from Language also in TypeRegistrySubset
Name | Cardinality and Range | Description |
code | 0..1 LanguageCodeEnum |
ISO 639-2 code for the Representation of Names of Languages (Part 2: Alpha-3) |
usage | 1..* LanguageUsageEnum |
FIAF Moving Image Cataloguing Manual |
Slots from Subject also in TypeRegistrySubset
Name | Cardinality and Range | Description |
category | 1 AVefiCurie |
Designates type, e.g. to distinguish different identifiers (GNDResource vs. |
has_name | 1 TextLine |
Human-readable name for a thing. |
same_as | * AuthorityResource |
See AuthorityResource doucmentation for accepted identifiers |
has_alternate_name | * TextLine |
Alternative human-readable name(s) for a thing. |
Slots from Genre also in TypeRegistrySubset
Name | Cardinality and Range | Description |
has_name | 1 TextLine |
Human-readable name for a thing. |
same_as | * GNDResource |
See AuthorityResource doucmentation for accepted identifiers |
has_alternate_name | * TextLine |
Alternative human-readable name(s) for a thing. |
Slots from Audio also in TypeRegistrySubset
Name | Cardinality and Range | Description |
category | 1 AVefiCurie |
Designates type, e.g. to distinguish different identifiers (GNDResource vs. |
type | 0..1 FormatAudioTypeEnum |
See specific class documentation for controlled vocabulary applicable to the type slot, respectively |
Slots from DigitalFile also in TypeRegistrySubset
Name | Cardinality and Range | Description |
category | 1 AVefiCurie |
Designates type, e.g. to distinguish different identifiers (GNDResource vs. |
type | 0..1 FormatDigitalFileTypeEnum |
See specific class documentation for controlled vocabulary applicable to the type slot, respectively |
Slots from DigitalFileEncoding also in TypeRegistrySubset
Name | Cardinality and Range | Description |
category | 1 AVefiCurie |
Designates type, e.g. to distinguish different identifiers (GNDResource vs. |
type | 0..1 FormatDigitalFileEncodingTypeEnum |
See specific class documentation for controlled vocabulary applicable to the type slot, respectively |
Slots from Film also in TypeRegistrySubset
Name | Cardinality and Range | Description |
category | 1 AVefiCurie |
Designates type, e.g. to distinguish different identifiers (GNDResource vs. |
type | 0..1 FormatFilmTypeEnum |
See specific class documentation for controlled vocabulary applicable to the type slot, respectively |
Slots from Optical also in TypeRegistrySubset
Name | Cardinality and Range | Description |
category | 1 AVefiCurie |
Designates type, e.g. to distinguish different identifiers (GNDResource vs. |
type | 0..1 FormatOpticalTypeEnum |
See specific class documentation for controlled vocabulary applicable to the type slot, respectively |
Slots from Video also in TypeRegistrySubset
Name | Cardinality and Range | Description |
category | 1 AVefiCurie |
Designates type, e.g. to distinguish different identifiers (GNDResource vs. |
type | 0..1 FormatVideoTypeEnum |
See specific class documentation for controlled vocabulary applicable to the type slot, respectively |
Slots from Duration also in TypeRegistrySubset
Name | Cardinality and Range | Description |
has_value | 1 ISODurationInHours |
Value of some quantity |
has_precision | 0..1 PrecisionEnum |
Qualifier indicating the precision of an extent value or duration |
Slots from Extent also in TypeRegistrySubset
Name | Cardinality and Range | Description |
has_value | 1 Decimal |
Value of some quantity |
has_unit | 1 UnitEnum |
Unit of some quantity |
has_precision | 0..1 PrecisionEnum |
Qualifier indicating the precision of an extent value or duration |
Slots from AVefiResource also in TypeRegistrySubset
Name | Cardinality and Range | Description |
category | 1 AVefiCurie |
Designates type, e.g. to distinguish different identifiers (GNDResource vs. |
id | 1 AVefi |
A unique identifier for a thing |
Slots from DOIResource also in TypeRegistrySubset
Name | Cardinality and Range | Description |
category | 1 AVefiCurie |
Designates type, e.g. to distinguish different identifiers (GNDResource vs. |
id | 1 DOI |
A unique identifier for a thing |
Slots from EIDRResource also in TypeRegistrySubset
Name | Cardinality and Range | Description |
category | 1 AVefiCurie |
Designates type, e.g. to distinguish different identifiers (GNDResource vs. |
id | 1 EIDR |
A unique identifier for a thing |
Slots from FilmportalResource also in TypeRegistrySubset
Name | Cardinality and Range | Description |
category | 1 AVefiCurie |
Designates type, e.g. to distinguish different identifiers (GNDResource vs. |
id | 1 FilmportalID |
A unique identifier for a thing |
Slots from GNDResource also in TypeRegistrySubset
Name | Cardinality and Range | Description |
category | 1 AVefiCurie |
Designates type, e.g. to distinguish different identifiers (GNDResource vs. |
id | 1 GNDID |
A unique identifier for a thing |
Slots from ISILResource also in TypeRegistrySubset
Name | Cardinality and Range | Description |
category | 1 AVefiCurie |
Designates type, e.g. to distinguish different identifiers (GNDResource vs. |
id | 1 ISIL |
A unique identifier for a thing |
Slots from TGNResource also in TypeRegistrySubset
Name | Cardinality and Range | Description |
category | 1 AVefiCurie |
Designates type, e.g. to distinguish different identifiers (GNDResource vs. |
id | 1 TGNID |
A unique identifier for a thing |
Slots from VIAFResource also in TypeRegistrySubset
Name | Cardinality and Range | Description |
category | 1 AVefiCurie |
Designates type, e.g. to distinguish different identifiers (GNDResource vs. |
id | 1 VIAFID |
A unique identifier for a thing |
Slots from WikidataResource also in TypeRegistrySubset
Name | Cardinality and Range | Description |
category | 1 AVefiCurie |
Designates type, e.g. to distinguish different identifiers (GNDResource vs. |
id | 1 WikidataID |
A unique identifier for a thing |
Slots from MovingImageRecordContainer also in TypeRegistrySubset
Name | Cardinality and Range | Description |
has_record | 1 MovingImageRecord |
Root slot holding the moving image metadata record, i.e. metadata describing a work/variant, manifestation or item. |
Slots from DescriptionResource also in TypeRegistrySubset
Name | Cardinality and Range | Description |
has_issuer_id | 1 HttpUri |
Identifier for the responsible party as an URI suitable for linked data |
has_issuer_name | 1 TextLine |
Name of the responsible party |
Slots in subset
Slot | Description |
has_record | Root slot holding the moving image metadata record, i.e. metadata describing a work/variant, manifestation or item. |
category | Designates type, e.g. to distinguish different identifiers (GNDResource vs. |
has_primary_title | Primary title to be displayed in search results etc. The type should be PreferredTitle for works / variants and TitleProper for manifestations / items. |
has_alternative_title | Additional title(s) associated with the work / variant, manifestation, or item. |
has_name | Human-readable name for a thing. |
has_ordering_name | Provide normalised form, e.g. for sorting by title. |
id | A unique identifier for a thing |
type | See specific class documentation for controlled vocabulary applicable to the type slot, respectively |
same_as | See AuthorityResource doucmentation for accepted identifiers |
has_event | Associate event(s) with a moving image record |
has_date | Date (or interval/period) when an event has taken place. |
located_in | Location associated with an event, e.g. the country where the principal offices or production facilities of the production company are located should be associated with the production event |
has_activity | Associate activity (and subsequently agents) with event |
has_agent | Agent involved in some activity related to the moving image resource |
has_alternate_name | Alternative human-readable name(s) for a thing. |
in_language | FIAF Moving Image Cataloguing Manual 1.3.5, 2.3.3 |
code | ISO 639-2 code for the Representation of Names of Languages (Part 2: Alpha-3) |
usage | FIAF Moving Image Cataloguing Manual |
has_form | Form describes the format and/or purpose of a Work, e.g., “non-fiction”, “short” and “animation”. |
has_subject | Subject descriptor terms for the content of a film specifying its period, themes, locations, etc. Not to be confused with Genre. |
has_genre | Genre describes categories of Works, characterized by similar plots, themes, settings, situations, and characters. |
is_part_of | Relate, for instance, episodes to a series / serial. |
is_variant_of | Link to the reference WorkVariant for the currently described variant. |
variant_type | FIAF Moving Image Cataloguing Manual D.2 |
is_manifestation_of | Indicate AVefi WorkVariant (possibly more but no less than one) that is subject of the manifestation |
has_item | Indicate AVefi Items the institution has registered as part of the manifestation |
has_format | FIAF Moving Image Cataloguing Manual, |
has_duration | Total running time of the described object in ISO 8601 duration format. |
has_extent | Physical length or size of the described object. |
has_value | Value of some quantity |
has_unit | Unit of some quantity |
has_precision | Qualifier indicating the precision of an extent value or duration |
has_colour_type | FIAF Moving Image Cataloguing Manual,, D.7.11 |
has_sound_type | FIAF Moving Image Cataloguing Manual,, D.7.4 |
has_webresource | Link to data provider's own presentation of manifestation or item on the web |
has_note | FIAF Moving Image Cataloguing Manual Appendix B |
is_item_of | Indicate AVefi Manifestation the item belongs to. |
element_type | FIAF Moving Image Cataloguing Manual D.7.8 |
has_access_status | Status of item determining access conditions. |
is_copy_of | Link to AVefi item registered by another institution indicating that the two are known to be copies of each other |
is_derivative_of | Link to AVefi item from which this one has been derived in whole or in part, e.g. as a result of a restoration or digitasation project |
described_by | Also record some metadata about the PID itself rather than the identified object |
has_issuer_id | Identifier for the responsible party as an URI suitable for linked data |
has_issuer_name | Name of the responsible party |
Enumerations in subset
Enumeration | Description |
| AgentTypeEnum | FIAF Moving Image Cataloguing Manual 1.4.1 |
| AnimationActivityTypeEnum | Activity types / roles. |
| CastActivityTypeEnum | Activity types / roles. |
| CensorshipActivityTypeEnum | Activity types / roles. |
| CinematographyActivityTypeEnum | Activity types / roles. |
| ColourTypeEnum | FIAF Moving Image Cataloguing Manual,, D.7.11 |
| CopyrightAndDistributionActivityTypeEnum | Activity types / roles. |
| DirectingActivityTypeEnum | Activity types / roles. |
| EditingActivityTypeEnum | Activity types / roles. |
| FormatAudioTypeEnum | FIAF Moving Image Cataloguing Manual D.7.2 |
| FormatDigitalFileEncodingTypeEnum | FIAF Moving Image Cataloguing Manual D.7.2 |
| FormatDigitalFileTypeEnum | FIAF Moving Image Cataloguing Manual D.7.2 |
| FormatFilmTypeEnum | FIAF Moving Image Cataloguing Manual D.7.2 |
| FormatOpticalTypeEnum | FIAF Moving Image Cataloguing Manual D.7.2 |
| FormatVideoTypeEnum | FIAF Moving Image Cataloguing Manual D.7.2 |
| ItemAccessStatusEnum | FIAF Moving Image Cataloguing Manual D.7.3 |
| ItemElementTypeEnum | FIAF Moving Image Cataloguing Manual D.7.8 |
| LaboratoryActivityTypeEnum | Activity types / roles. |
| LanguageCodeEnum | ISO 639-2 code for the Representation of Names of Languages (Part 2: Alpha-3) |
| LanguageUsageEnum | FIAF Moving Image Cataloguing Manual 2.3.3, D.6 |
| ManifestationActivityTypeEnum | Activity types / roles. |
| ManufactureEventTypeEnum | FIAF Moving Image Cataloguing Manual D.4.7, D.14 |
| MusicActivityTypeEnum | Activity types / roles. |
| PrecisionEnum | Qualifier indicating the precision of an extent value or duration |
| PreservationEventTypeEnum | FIAF Moving Image Cataloguing Manual D.4.5 |
| ProducingActivityTypeEnum | Activity types / roles. |
| ProductionDesignActivityTypeEnum | Activity types / roles. |
| ProductionEventTypeEnum | Leave unset for main production event, otherwise see FIAF Moving Image Cataloguing Manual D.4.3, D.11 |
| PublicationEventTypeEnum | FIAF Moving Image Cataloguing Manual D.4.1, D.10 |
| PuppetActivityTypeEnum | Activity types / roles. |
| SoundActivityTypeEnum | Activity types / roles. |
| SoundTypeEnum | FIAF Moving Image Cataloguing Manual,, D.7.4 |
| SpecialEffectsActivityTypeEnum | Activity types / roles. |
| TitleTypeEnum | FIAF Moving Image Cataloguing Manual A.2 |
| UnitEnum | Units of measurement. |
| VariantTypeEnum | FIAF Moving Image Cataloguing Manual D.2 |
| WorkFormEnum | FIAF Glossary of Filmographic Terms D.1.9 |
| WorkVariantTypeEnum | Work/Variant description type. |
| WritingActivityTypeEnum | Activity types / roles. |