Slot: category
Designates type, e.g. to distinguish different identifiers (GNDResource vs. VIAFResource)
URI: rdf:type
Applicable Classes
Name | Description | Modifies Slot |
EditingActivity | Activity types / roles. | no |
ManifestationOrItem | Base class defining common slots for manifestations and items | no |
MovingImageResource | Either a persistent or local identifier for AVefi compliant moving image records. | no |
PreservationEvent | Preservation event originating a manifestation or possibly a vaniant. | no |
LocalResource | Some identifier used by data provider to represent relations between work/variant, manifestation and item when PIDs have not been assigned yet. | no |
GNDResource | Gemeinsame Normdatei (GND) identifier maintained by Deutsche Nationalbibliothek (German National Library) | no |
ProducingActivity | Activity types / roles. | no |
Activity | FIAF Moving Image Cataloguing Manual | no |
VIAFResource | Virtual International Authority File identifier hosted by OCLC. | no |
RightsCopyrightRegistrationEvent | Copyright and related rights registration event of a manifestation or possibly of a work/variant. | no |
Video | FIAF Moving Image Cataloguing Manual D.7.2 | no |
EIDRResource | Entertainment Identifier Registry ID. | no |
ISILResource | International Standard Identifier for Libraries and Related Organizations including (film) archives. | no |
Film | FIAF Moving Image Cataloguing Manual D.7.2 | no |
MusicActivity | Activity types / roles. | no |
Subject | Subject descriptor terms for the content of a film specifying its period, themes, locations, etc. Not to be confused with Genre. | no |
Event | Significant event in the lifecycle of moving image work / variant, manifestation or item. | no |
Item | FIAF Moving Image Cataloguing Manual 3.0 | no |
Format | FIAF Moving Image Cataloguing Manual, | no |
ManifestationActivity | Activity types / roles. | no |
CinematographyActivity | Activity types / roles. | no |
CopyrightAndDistributionActivity | Activity types / roles. | no |
PublicationEvent | Publication event of a manifestation or possibly the first known publication of a work. | no |
SoundActivity | Activity types / roles. | no |
WritingActivity | Activity types / roles. | no |
CensorshipActivity | Activity types / roles. | no |
PuppetActivity | Activity types / roles. | no |
FilmportalResource | Identifier of the German | no |
DirectingActivity | Activity types / roles. | no |
AnimationActivity | Activity types / roles. | no |
DigitalFileEncoding | FIAF Moving Image Cataloguing Manual D.7.2 | no |
Optical | FIAF Moving Image Cataloguing Manual D.7.2 | no |
CastActivity | Activity types / roles. | no |
AVefiResource | Handle with the prefix allocated for AVefi (eventually). | no |
TGNResource | Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names ID. | no |
WikidataResource | Identifier for Wikidata entities. | no |
Manifestation | Manifestation as defined in FIAF Moving Image Cataloguing Manual 2.0. Note that manifestation type is recorded as publication event type | no |
Audio | FIAF Moving Image Cataloguing Manual D.7.2 | no |
ProductionDesignActivity | Activity types / roles. | no |
DOIResource | Digital Object Identifier maintained by the DOI Foundation and commonly used for scientific publications including films. | no |
CategorizedThing | Root for all classes with subclasses in this schema | no |
LaboratoryActivity | Activity types / roles. | no |
Agent | Agent involved in some activity related to the moving image resource. | no |
ProductionEvent | Production event of a work/variant (or manifestation produced as a restoration). | no |
AuthorityResource | Root class for all identifiers from some kind of authority or public register widely accepted in the community | no |
SpecialEffectsActivity | Activity types / roles. | no |
DigitalFile | FIAF Moving Image Cataloguing Manual D.7.2 | no |
MovingImageRecord | Base class defining slots that are common to all levels of the WVMI metadata model | no |
GeographicName | Name of country, region or other location. | no |
ManufactureEvent | Manufacture event of a manifestation. | no |
WorkVariant | FIAF Moving Image Cataloguing Manual 1.0 | no |
Range: AVefiCurie
Required: True
Identifier and Mapping Information
Schema Source
- from schema:
LinkML Source
name: category
description: Designates type, e.g. to distinguish different identifiers (GNDResource
vs. VIAFResource)
- TypeRegistrySubset
rank: 1
slot_uri: rdf:type
designates_type: true
alias: category
- CategorizedThing
range: AVefiCurie
required: true