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Slot: id

A unique identifier for a thing

URI: avefi:id

Applicable Classes

Name Description Modifies Slot
DOIResource Digital Object Identifier maintained by the DOI Foundation and commonly used for scientific publications including films. yes
MovingImageResource Either a persistent or local identifier for AVefi compliant moving image records. no
FilmportalResource Identifier of the German yes
AuthorityResource Root class for all identifiers from some kind of authority or public register widely accepted in the community yes
GNDResource Gemeinsame Normdatei (GND) identifier maintained by Deutsche Nationalbibliothek (German National Library) yes
ISILResource International Standard Identifier for Libraries and Related Organizations including (film) archives. yes
LocalResource Some identifier used by data provider to represent relations between work/variant, manifestation and item when PIDs have not been assigned yet. no
VIAFResource Virtual International Authority File identifier hosted by OCLC. yes
TGNResource Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names ID. yes
AVefiResource Handle with the prefix allocated for AVefi (eventually). yes
WikidataResource Identifier for Wikidata entities. yes
EIDRResource Entertainment Identifier Registry ID. yes


Identifier and Mapping Information

Schema Source

  • from schema:

LinkML Source

name: id
description: A unique identifier for a thing
- TypeRegistrySubset
rank: 5
alias: id
- AuthorityResource
range: IDString